해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
V4 R828D RTL2832U 1PPM TCXO SMA Software Defined Radio (Dongle Only)

상품번호 B0CD745394
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브랜드 Brand: RTL-SDR Blog
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $31.95
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Includes 1x RTL-SDR Blog brand R828D RTL2832U 1PPM TCXO HF Bias Tee SMA Dongle (V4) (Dongle Only)Several improvements over other brands including use of the R828D tuner, built in HF upconverter circuit, improved filtering, improved component tolerances, a 1 PPM temperature compensated oscillator (TCXO), SMA F connector, aluminium shielded case with thermal pad for passive cooling, improved filtering, and an activatable bias tee circuit.Can tune from 500 kHz to 1.7 GHz and has up to 3.2 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth (2.4 MHz stable). Please note RTL-SDR dongles are RX only.NOTE: The RTL-SDR Blog V4 requires a driver update. Please follow the installation manual carefully! Reviewers that mention receiving no signals have not followed the instructions!
This is an RTL-SDR blog V4 software defined radio receiver with RTL2832U ADC chip, R828D tuner, 1PPM TCXO, SMA F connector, built in HF upconverter, improved filtering, and aluminum case with passive cooling. Tunes from 500 kHz to 1.766 GHz with up to 3.2 MHz (2.4 MHz stable) of bandwidth. Works with free software like SDR#, HDSDR, SDR-Radio, GQRX or SDR Touch on Android. Works on Windows, OSX, Linux, Android and computers like the Raspberry Pi. This model has several improvements over other brands. It uses the improved R828D tuner, a 1PPM TCXO, better components, a redesigned lower noise PCB, cooling improvements, additional filtering, extra ESD protection and an SMA F connector. It also has a software activatable bias-tee for powering LNA\'s and active antennas. The RTL-SDR Blog V4 requires a driver update. Please follow the installation manual carefully! Reviewers that mention receiving no signals have not followed the instructions! Please feel free to contact us via Amazon messaging for technical support - we\'re happy to help.

2024-05-17 02:28:05

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