해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Keyluv Queen Bed Frame with RGB LED Lights Headboard & 2 Storage Drawers, Modern Upholstered Faux Leather Smart Platform Iron Metal Decor, USB USB-C Charging Ports, No Box Spring Needed, White

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상품가격 $312.99
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Smart LED Adjustable Headboard: Controlled by APP and remote control, RGB led bed provides bright luminescence and vivid colors. It allows you to switch between 16 million colors, various speed levels and 4 flashing modes, creating different vibes and moods for your bedtime activities. The height of the headboard is adjustable to 41.3 to 43.3 inches, which can adapt to different heights of mattresses.Modern & Stylish Design: With unique “mirror polished” stainless steel sheets embedded in the headboard and footboard and upholstered in high quality faux leather, the mirror bed frame adds a stylish and modern touch to your rooms.Extra Storage Space: The bed frame comes with 2 large storage drawers, each fitted with wheels for smooth pull-out and pull-in, perfect for extra blankets and out-of-season clothes to help you say goodbye to a cluttered room. The wider headboard top shelf holds a charged cell phone, smart watch and other small items to ensure your essentials are within reach.Convenient Charging Outlets: The bed features a built-in power strip with 3 USB and 1 USB Type-C plugs. Keep your phone, tablet, smartwatch or other mobile device charged and stay connected. The USB ports of this smart LED bed frame provide 5V/3A and 5V/2A respectively for faster charging efficiency.Sturdy Construction & Easy Assembly: The storage bed frame adopts a steel frame structure and 12 padded hardwood slats system, which provides extra stability and ensures no noise. It can hold up to 800 lbs without the need for a box spring. Comes in only 1 package with all labeled pieces, tools and clear instructions, the bed assemby is a breeze!

2024-07-10 22:17:11

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