해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Infrared Heating Air Fryer Toaster Oven, Extra Large Countertop Convection Oven 10-in-1 Combo, 6-Slice Toast, Enamel Baking Pan Easy Clean with Recipe Book, Black Matte Stainless Steel

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상품가격 $229.99
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[INFRARED HEATING + TRUE CONVECTION AIR FRY] Our cutting-edge technology features a powerful and effective heat radiation system, coupled with a high-velocity heated-air circulation, which results in a quick and deliciously flavorful brown crust while preventing food from becoming overcooked or dried out. It ensures that the interior of food remains tender and juicy, stays succulent and moist up to 35%, providing a perfect balance of texture and taste.[SUPER VERSATILE “10-in-1” AIR FRYER CONVECTION TOASTER OVEN] Unlike typical air fryer or oven with a single function, we take it up a notch by offering 10 preset digital functions that include Air Fry, Toast, Bake, Broil, Roast, Reheat, Warm, Slow Cook, and Dehydrate. This versatile 10-in-1 combination allows you to prepare a variety of dishes with ease and convenience, making your cooking experience more enjoyable than ever before.[FAMILY & PARTY SIZE CAPACITY] VAL CUCINA stands out on the market with a 30%-60% larger capacity. You can easily roast a 5-6lb chicken, toast 6 slices of bread, cook a large batch of French fries, 20 chicken wings, or bake a 12-inch pizza, all in one go. This larger capacity is perfect for families, entertaining, or meal prepping, making it a versatile and essential addition to any kitchen[CRUNCHY and HEALTHY COOKING EXPERIENCE]Our Air Fry feature is a healthier alternative to traditional frying, reducing fat by up to 75%. Enjoy all your favorite foods guilt-free, including deep-fried favorites like fries. With intensive and efficient infrared heating combined with true convection, our air fryer toaster oven delivers perfectly crispy and golden results every time. This delivers an exquisite blend of texture and flavor, ensuring a superb culinary experience.[FAST, SAFE & EASY to USE] With 1750W of power and six heating elements, the VAL CUCINA Air Fryer toaster oven cooks 40% faster than traditional ovens. The even distribution of heat reduces preheating time by up to 30%, saving your valuable time in the kitchen. Our user-friendly digital display and analogue controls make cooking effortless and enjoyable. VAL CUCINA countertop oven boasts a variety of accessories: an Enamel Baking Tray, Wire Rack, Air Fryer Basket, Crumb Tray.

2024-06-04 12:02:47

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