해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HONEY JOY 2 Seater Ride on Car, 12V Off-Road Electric Dump Truck w/Remote Control, Moving Dump Bed, Shovel, Music, Spring Suspension, Battery Powered Ride On UTV for Kids, Gift for Girls Boys (Red)

상품번호 B0CDKQZ261
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【2-Seater Ride On Dump Truck】: The HONEY JOY 2 seater ride on car features 19”x8” wide seat with safety belt, suitable for 2 kids to sit. Fitted with rear dump bed and shovel, the ride on dump truck provides simple dumping operation. Just press the dump bed switch and the dump bed dumps or lifts automatically. Kids can also open the tailgate as required to easily store toys or snacks.【2 Control Modes to Drive Safely】: Kids can operate the 12V electric car manually through pedal and steering wheel to enjoy the 2 speeds. Parents can control the ride on truck through the 2.4G remote control which has 3 speeds. Unlike other ride on cars with rigid start, ours with soft start is more comfortable and safer for kids to use.【Rocking Function & Media Center】: The electric cars for kids is designed with additional rocking function, so that the 2 seater battery powered cars for kids rocks back and forth for added fun. Multiple joyful functions also include the music and light controller, wireless connection, AUX input, USB port, battery display etc., which makes your child’s driving journey more enjoyable.【Realistic Driving Experience】: Boasting with the 4 bright LED headlights, power switch, horn and sound button, forward/stop/reverse lever, handrail, this battery powered ride on UTV brings kids an authentic driving experience. Besides that, double doors with locks can be securely closed. Shockproof and anti-wear wheels adapt to any daily roads.【Perfect Gift for Kids 3+】: The ride on car mimics the real truck’s appearance, coming with rear-view mirrors, front windshield, vivid dashboard, tiltable dump bed to catch kid’s attention. It is absolutely a good choice as a gift for children aged 3 years up, enriching their childhood and guarding their driving dream.

2025-01-11 02:59:36

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