해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
CrystalTears Chakra Crystal Bracelet for Women 8mm Healing Crystal Gemstone Bead Bracelet with Butterfly Charm Bracelet Gift

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상품가격 $12.99
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CrystalTears Chakra Crystal Bracelet for Women 8mm Natural Healing Crystal Gemstone Bead Bracelet Butterfly Quartz Crystal Stone Anxiety Bracelet Crystal Jewelry Gift for Christmas Crystal Bracelet Specifications: Size: 6.5-7 inches; gemstone bead: 8mm Material: chakra crystal stone, amethyst crystal stone Weight: 23g Package: 1x healing crystal bracelet Energy Crystal Gemstone Bracelet for Women: 8mm amethyst crystal stone bead combined with chakra crystal stone and butterfly charm design, elegant crystal bracelet for women or girls, allowing you to complete your daily outfits with ease. The Chakra crystals promote balance and harmony within your body, mind, and spirit, enabling a sense of well-being and tranquility. The Amethyst crystal, known for its soothing energy, brings peace, relaxation, and spiritual clarity to the wearer. Perfect Gift for Women: gemstone bracelet suitable for both women and girls on daily wear or holiday dress, It is easy to bring an elegant or gentle look to any occasion. Brings you good luck, cofidence,happiness, protection and endless positive energy excellent women crystal bracelet gift for mom, wife, grandma,sister on birthday,Christmas, Mother\'s Day Gift, Valentins Day Gift, Anniversary Jewelry Mataince Tips: 1)Avoid wearing it in the shower,swimming,vigorous exercise 2)Keep it dry, please pay attention to sweat-proof for daily wear, when not wearing, you need to gently wipe with a clean and soft cloth 3)When wearing, try to avoid direct contact with chemicals (eg: perfume/cosmetics/skincare)

2024-04-04 19:15:13

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