해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
American Standard 10-US-AS-12 Garbage Disposer, 1.25 HP, Black

상품번호 B0CF2Q4WJD
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Plumbing
브랜드 Brand: American Standard
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $119.99
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HEAVY DUTY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION: With a heavy-duty design, the American Standard garbage disposer is made with high-quality stainless steel components to ensure long-lasting durability; The Heavy Duty models include a premium sound shell for reduced noisePOWERFUL AND EFFICIENT: A 1.25HP permanent magnet motor provides ample power to grind food waste, reducing the risk of clogs and jams; The Torque Master grinding system uses advanced technology to deliver effective grinding with minimal noise and vibrationVERSATILE GRINDING: American Standard garbage disposals handle a wide range of food waste, including soft & tough items, grinding them into fine particles that easily pass through your plumbing system and is safe for septic tanks. This makes it suitable for various kitchen needsEASY INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE: The 3-bolt mounting system and dishwasher hookup simplify the installation, allowing for secure and stable attachment to the sink and easy replacement of existing disposers; Removable components allow for thorough cleaning & easy maintenanceSILVER GUARD: The magnetic Silver Guard attachment captures most metal objects before they enter into the disposer chamber
Introducing the American Standard Garbage Disposal, a powerful and efficient solution for your kitchen waste management needs. Equipped with a robust permanent magnet motor, this continuous feed garbage disposal effortlessly tackles food scraps, ensuring a clean and odor-free kitchen environment. The 3-bolt mounting system offers easy installation and stability, providing a secure attachment to your sink. With the innovative Torque Master grinding system, this garbage disposal delivers exceptional performance. It efficiently grinds and liquefies food waste, reducing it to fine particles that easily pass through your plumbing system and is safe for septic tanks. This advanced technology ensures smooth operation and minimizes the risk of clogs or jams. Not only does the American Standard Garbage Disposal offer powerful functionality, but it also prioritizes durability and longevity. Crafted with high-quality stainless steel materials, it is built to withstand the demands of daily use, ensuring reliable performance for years to come. In addition to its impressive features, this garbage disposal is designed with noise reduction in mind. Enjoy a quieter kitchen experience as the disposal operate, allowing you to focus on your culinary creations without distractions. Upgrade your kitchen with the American Standard Garbage Disposal, combining a permanent magnet motor, a secure 3-bolt mounting system, and the efficient Torque Master grinding system. Experience the convenience, reliability, and performance that this garbage disposer brings to your home.

2024-09-05 08:32:18

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