해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
VILTROX 5.5 Inch 1200nits 4Kp30 HDMI Video Field Monitor, 10bit HDR Daylight Viewable 1920 x 1080 Portable Monitor Recorder, Hot Shoe Mount, Battery, Sunshine Hood

상품번호 B0CF88RFGR
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상품가격 $168.00
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1200nit Daylight Viewable: The 5.5" 1920 x 1080 monitor not only has the resolution and pixel density to make every shot look amazing, Outputs a brightness of 1200 nits and displays a 1200:1 contrast ratio and sRGB / Rec.709 Color Gamut, resulting in exceptional screen clarity even in intense lighting conditions.Powerful Video OS: includes tools for focus, framing & exposure (waveform, parade, vectorscope, histogram, audio meter, focus peaking, zoom, zebra, false color, frame guides, safe area, etc.) along with a flexible 3D LUT implementation (use built-in LOG to Rec.709 video or upload .cube files) and options for anamorphic de-squeeze monitoring.Small, lightweight package: The front features a high resolution, daylight viewable LCD touchscreen and a sunshade, there are video connections on the bottom, SD card slot and shortcut key on the top, space for NP-F batteries on the back, control dial on the left, features standard 1/4" mount points on the bottom and right for attaching it to cameras and rigs.Button Control Menu: Tap/Rotate the wheel button for quick selection and function settings.Load Custom 3D LUTs to Recreate Film Looks: viltrox DC-550 series monitor allows you to load internally up to custom LUTs, looks or profiles at any time via the SD Card Slot and instantly select between them, maintaining creative intent, always.

2024-09-28 18:50:52

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