해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Metal Platform Bed Frame Mattress Foundation with Headboard,Black Bed with Steel Slat Support,Metal Bed Frames with Storage Space Under Frame No Box Spring Needed, Easy Assembly, Full

상품번호 B0CFF379HS
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Furniture
브랜드 Brand: Lukern
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 63
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?HEADBOARD DESIGN: The metal platform bed frame with headboard is a durable and stylish choice for any bedroom. The heavy-duty metal slats of the bed frame provide strong support for your mattress, while the bed frame eliminates the need for a box spring, and the platform design of the bed frame helps eliminate noise and ensures a restful night\'s sleep.?MODERN MINIMALIST STYLE: The metal platform bed frame also brings a fresh style to your bedroom decor. The matte black headboard adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to the overall design of the bed frame. In addition, the sleek and modern look of the bed frame complements any interior decorating style.?RELIABLE SUPPORT: The bed frame\'s upgraded folding structure and reinforced center legs also help distribute weight more evenly throughout the bed frame, reducing the risk of the bed frame becoming damaged or sagging over time. In addition, heavy-duty iron bed frames may be more resistant to wear and tear, thereby extending the life of the bed.?RELIABLE FOUNDATION FOR A SOUND SLEEP: Another great feature of this bed frame is the noiseless design. The bed frame is perfect for light sleepers who are easily disturbed by creaks or squeaks from the bed frame. The metal slats of the bed frame are designed to fit snugly, ensuring that your bed remains stable and quiet all night long.?NO SPRINGS REQUIRED: the bed frame is made of high quality metal to ensure durability. The metal mattress base provides ample storage space under the bed, perfect for those looking to maximize storage space.
?Metal Platform Bed Frame, Mattress Foundation with Steel Slat Support, No Box Spring Needed, Easy Assembly, Full ?Strong and Durable Steel Bed Frame ?GO MINIMALIST - Less is more, especially with this modern and structurally sound foundation that lends both strength and understated sophistication to your bedroom - two qualities that never go out of style ?UNDERBED CLEARANCE - There is a large platform space under the Bed Frame, perfect for storing extra odds and ends ?NO BOX SPRING NEEDED - Reliable metal slats are designed to support and extend the life of your latex, memory foam or spring mattress without the need for a box spring ?EASY ASSEMBLY - All parts, tools and instructions are shipped straight to your door in one efficiently packed box for simple set-up that takes less than hour with a friend’s help ?Pieces included:1 bed frame ?Selling Points:Bed frame with Headboard // Sturdy // Affordable to 2-3 People // Solid Construction // Three sizes // Modern Style ?Product Information: ?Product Type: Bed frame ?Color: Black ?Material: Sturdy metal ?Bed Frame Dimensions: 81.5*55.5*36.9in. ?Bed Frame Maximum Weight: 660 lbs. ?Assembly Required: About 20 minutes

2024-04-04 18:33:47

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