해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
JOMIOD Building Blocks Camera, 1027 Pcs WLZ-6F Retro Camera Model Set, Collectible Model Old Style Retro Camera to Build, Construction Brick Set Best Gift for Adult, Teens

상품번호 B0CFFD29WW
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Toys & Games / Building Toys
브랜드 Brand: JOMIOD
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $32.99
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High Simulation Model: Rebuilt for camera with mini building bricks set. Exquisite details would be impressed you when you finishing it. There are many detailed parts, such as shutter button, transparent lens. Come with an exquisite sticker.Safe & High Quality Materials: All our building bricks set are made of high quality ABS material with high safety level. Precision casting processing molding, no smelling, smooth.Step-by-step: The product is difficult to assemble, but with detailed instructions, according to the instructions can quickly get started with your block camera.New Collection: Wanna build a new different collection? Take this building bricks set home! Our building toys are suitable for every child, teenager and family time. The best Christmas or birthday gift for children to stimulate creativity and curiosity. Partner with your child to explore new areas!Warm Tips: This block contains small particles of blocks, please pay attention to the use and placement, suitable for people over 14 years old; If you have any problems in the assembly process, please tell us in time!

2024-05-15 01:39:13

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