해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
All-new Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Kids (16 GB) – larger 7" glare-free display – Kids read an average of 1+ hour per day with Kindle – Cyber City

상품상태 New    
브랜드 Brand: Amazon
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $179.99
상품가격 상세보기

The ultimate reading device for kids – Includes 6 months of Amazon Kids+, a kid-friendly cover, and a 2-year worry-free guarantee — up to a $242 value.Our fastest, thinnest Kindle Paperwhite Kids ever – Ready, set, read on the next-generation 7” Paperwhite display with higher contrast ratio and 25% faster page turns.Includes 6 months of Amazon Kids+, a subscription designed for kids aged 3-12, providing unlimited access to thousands of age-appropriate books. After 6 months, your subscription will automatically renew every month starting at just $5.99/month plus applicable tax. You may cancel at any time by visiting the Amazon Parent Dashboard or contacting Customer Service.Stay in the story – Designed to keep kids focused on reading with no notifications, apps, videos, or games.Waterproof – Kids can bring their stories to the pool, the beach, or anywhere in between.Read anytime, anywhere – The adjustable warm light and glare-free display lets kids read comfortably indoors and out, day or night.Easy-to-use parental controls – The Parent Dashboard allows you to add books from your account to your kid\'s library, view reading progress, adjust age filters, set a device bedtime, and more.

2024-10-31 17:33:51

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