해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
6 Tier Rolling Utility Cart,Mobile Bookshelf with Wheel, Multi-Functional Movable Storage Book Shelves with Lockable Casters for Office, Dorm, Classroom,Library, Study Room (White)

상품번호 B0CFR3N492
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Office Products / Office Furniture & Lighting
브랜드 Brand: Wagbay
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 68.90
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6 TIER MOBILE BOOKSHELF: Modern style freestanding open design for easy access and movement. Inspired by nature, the bookshelf is a beautiful and elegant display bookshelf with tree branch structure. Perfect for displaying books and magazines, photo albums or other favorite collections in your living room or children\'s room, or for storing books, documents and other decorative items in your working office.MULTIFUNCTIONAL BOOKSHELF: 3 Top Drawers: Drawers provide a perfect, lightweight way to store your belongings while keeping them neatly organized. MULTIFUNCTIONAL DIVIDER: The top multifunctional divider can organize mugs, notepads, notebooks, etc. to keep your desk clutter-free.HIGH QUALITY MATERIAL: Made of high quality PP+ABS material, smooth surface, high gloss, hard texture and solid structure. The sturdy triangular structure adds stability and ensures the tower bookshelf is safe for kids and pets.NEAT AND STURDY: The bookshelf has 6 open shelves that can hold a large number of books and other decorative items while taking up only a small amount of floor space. Product Size: 77.8*40.4*15.9 cm/30.62*15.9*8.07 inches, perfect for apartment, narrow space, classroom or corner. Large support area and strong base weight capacity to keep the bookshelf balanced.EASY TO ASSEMBLE: The rolling book cart with wheels is so easy to assemble that can get the job done in less than 3 minutes.

2024-07-09 13:11:59

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