해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ECOFRIENDLY Lens and Screen Cleaning Spray l Alcohol-Free Lens Cleaner for Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, Goggles, Screens, Optical Lenses, Industrial Eyewear and Shields (2oz Kit)

상품번호 B0CFS2J931
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상품구분 Health & Household / Vision
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상품가격 $6.59
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OPTICALINEA ECOFRIENDLY LENS + SCREEN CLEANING KIT is a convenient environmentally-friendly lens cleaner that provides long-lasting, fast drying, streak-free, safe and effective cleaning for all types of coated optical lenses and device screens.OPTICALINEA ECOFRIENDLY LENS + SCREEN FORMULA: Provides a unique blend of VOC-FREE and ALCOHOL-FREE cleaning power protecting your lenses from smudges, debris, and fingerprints while keeping optical and screen surfaces clean and shining for days!OPTICALINEA DIFFERENCE: The VOC-FREE and ALCOHOL-FREE active ingredient biodegradeable formula is an eco-friendly cleaning solution that provides highly-effective cleaning power that is safe for you, your lenses + screens and the planet! When using OPTICALINEA products you are making a DIFFERENCE with every clean. Use as directed.OPTICALINEA PREMIUM MICROFIBER CLOTH: The ECOFRIENDLY LENS + SCREEN CLEANING SPRAY KIT comes with a premium 6" x 6" microfiber cleaning cloth that provides scratch-free and streak-free cleaning with every application. Cloth is machine washable for continued use. Do not wash with detergent.OPTICALINEA provides best-in-class highly effective and superior vision care and health products. Our products are designed and developed by vision care and optical professionals with over 20+ years of experience. We stand behind all of our products which are backed by a money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with our products, simply return them for a refund. No questions asked!
OPTICALINEA ECOFRIENDLY LENS + SCREEN CLEANER is made from an alcohol-free and VOC-free active ingredient formula that cleans and shines eyewear, goggles, screens, and mobile devices removing streaks, smudges, debris, and fingerprints. This convenient 2oz kit comes with a premium 6" x 6" microfiber cloth and is perfect for cleaning on the go in the car, at home, in the office, or anywhere your travels take you for a continued streak-free shine! ECOFRIENDLY LENS + SCREEN CLEANER is specially formulated for a long-lasting shine that is safe for all optical lens types, coatings, and device screens.

2025-01-11 23:01:42

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