해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SCITOO 3420r/min 1" 1/3HP Deep Well Pump Submersible Water Pump 28m/92ft 3m³/h,13GPM

상품번호 B0CFTH84XH
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상품가격 $112.88
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PARAMETER FOR ELECTRONIC PRESSURE SWITCH- Suitable for 110V-120V/60Hz Power: 250w; Max Working Pressure: 40psi.HOW DOES A PRESSURE PUMP SYSTEM WORK- When the tap shuts, then the water stops flowing and the pressure in the system builds. When the pressure reaches the “off” setting of the switch or controller, then this turns the pump off and the pipes remain pressurised.ADVANTAGES- Electronic Pressure Switch can automatically start/stop the water pump. Automatically check the water and stop the pump in case of water shortage to protect the pump from idling damage. It completely replaces the traditional pump control system composed of pressure switch, pressure tank and check valve.FEATURES- If special fault occurs,such as water shortage and jamming in suction tube. The product is able to identify the fault and can stop the pump at the same time, then the red light “Failure” will flash to prevent the water pump running under water shortage.EXTEND SERVICE LIFE- Dry protection can protect the motor and extend the service life of the pump; it is made of high-quality materials and is durable without maintenance costs.
FUNCTION:Replacing the traditional process tank system. Start and stop the water pump by turning on and off the water tap. Maintaining constant pressure in water supply period. Reducing influence of water attack Automatically stopping the water pump under water shortage to protect the water pump from dry running. Specifications:Voltage: 110V-120V/60Hz Power: 250W Max. head: 28m Max. flow rate: 3m³/h Outlet: 1inch

2024-06-05 19:15:01

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