해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Littleforbig Adjustable Velcro Closure Adult Printed Cloth Back Diaper 10 Pieces - Baby Parade (X-Large 48"-56")

상품번호 B0CFV2HT92
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상품가격 $43.99
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Innovative Moisture Detection: The Baby Parade diapers redefine convenience with a cutting-edge moisture detection feature. As the soft, non-woven fabric absorbs moisture, the dry yellow line transforms into a soothing blue, offering an immediate visual cue for a change. This feature, coupled with the exceptional softness, ensures a dry and velvety feel against your skin.Charming Animal Patterns: Elevate your comfort with a touch of whimsy! Our diapers feature ultra-cute animal patterns on a gentle, non-woven fabric. Designed not only for functionality but also for your tactile pleasure, the softness of the non-woven material complements the playful animal prints for a delightful wearing experience.Unmatched Leak and Tear Protection: Engineered for optimal protection, our diapers boast a combination of a robust plastic backing and a soft, non-woven outer layer. The non-woven fabric, gentle on the skin, adds an extra layer of comfort while effectively guarding against leaks and tears. The four reliable and easily adjustable Velcro closures provide a secure and customized fit, ensuring that you stay comfortable and worry-free throughout the day.Luxuriously Soft on Skin: Indulge in the lap of luxury with our diapers\' plush, non-woven inner padding. Crafted for unparalleled softness, the non-woven fabric pampers your skin with every wear. The quick-absorbing core, featuring the absorbent capabilities of the non-woven material, paired with standing leg guards, provides maximum comfort and protection.First-Rate US Customer Assistance: We prioritize your satisfaction. Our US-based customer service team is dedicated to providing timely and effective support, ensuring a seamless and delightful experience.

2024-11-27 13:43:27

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