해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Vostok Original Mens Watch Amphibia 170962 Mechanical Self-Winding Sandwich Dial Water Proof 200 m

상품번호 B0CG1J4KH9
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브랜드 Brand: Vostok
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상품가격 $239.00
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ORIGINAL Mens Watch VOSTOK AMPHIBIA 170962 ★Model: VOSTOK AMPHIBIA 170962 ★Manufacturer: Vostok est.1942, Chistopol city, Russia ★Movement: Mechanical (2415), automatic winding, central second hand ★Water resistant: 200 m (20 ATM) ★Jewels: 31 ruby jewels ★Glass: Acrylic crystal ★Case material: Stainless steel ★Bracelet: Genuine leather 20 mm ★Shockproof: Yes, anti-shock device balance node ★Features: Sandwich dial; luminous hands and indexes ★Bezel: Fixed ★Dimensions: diameter - 41 mm, thickness - 15 mm ★Weight: 85 g ★Power reserve: Fully wound watch should run for at least 31 hours BRIEF HISTORY OF VOSTOK World famous Soviet/Russian VOSTOK watches were created specifically for Soviet Army and Navy Forces. They work perfectly everywhere: in sky, in space, on land, underwater. The "Vostok" Watch Makers company was founded in 1942 (at this time the World War II came to USSR) when the “2nd Moscow Watch Factory” was evacuated to Chistopol, a small town located in the depth of the country. As soon as the war was over the company started making mechanical watches for Soviet citizens. 1965 is the year of birth of the famous "Komandirskie" watch (Komandirskie - adjective, literally means "intended for the commander, officer"). This year the Vostok plant became the official supplier of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union. “Komandirskie” watch - reliable and strong as a Kalashnikov assault rifle. 1967 is the year of birth of the famous "Amphibia" watch. It was created for the Special Navy Forces. The "Amphibia" watch works flawlessly at a depth of up to 200 meters in conditions of significant temperature and pressure changes.

2025-02-05 19:33:15

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