해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
7Pc Puffy Spa Headband and Wristband Set for Washing Face, Skincare Headbands with Scrunchies, Powder Puffs, Sponge, Makeup Headband, Terry Cloth Headband for Mask Makeup Removal-Purple

상품번호 B0CG1KW8DX
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상품가격 $9.99
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Skin-friendly Material : Face wash headband and wristband sets are mainly made of sponge and microfibre material, which is soft and comfortable to wear, easy to clean and reusable for a long time. The wristbands, powder puffs and hair bands can be paired to meet your multiple daily needs.Flexible Dimensions: The size of the skin care headband is 4.72*5.91inch.The wash hair band and wristband has good flexibility and elasticity, the size can be adjusted, suitable for most people. It will not cause pressure or discomfort to your head even if you wear it for a long time.Strong Water Absorption: The sponge lining of the Spa Headband and Wristband Set makes it super absorbent, preventing your hair from getting wet when washing your face and your sleeves from getting wet when washing your hands. And it is easy to clean, which can meet your daily needs.Cloud Shape Design: You will get 1 cloud shaped Puffy Spa Headband, 2 powder puffs, 2 hair bands and 1 sets of wristbands. The thickened sponge design visually raises the cranial ceiling and can effectively shape the face, making it look small and cute.Wide Application: Spa Headband and Wristband Set can be used for face wash, skin care, makeup, yoga, shower, spa party and sleepover party. It is also a perfect gift for your loved ones, family and friends on birthdays, anniversaries, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

2024-09-05 22:55:18

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