해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
400lb Big and Tall Office Chair, Ergonomic Mesh Desk Chair with Flip Arms,Heavy Duty Home Office Desk Chair, Wide Seat Computer Chair for Heavy People, Executive Rolling Swivel Task Chair for Adults

상품번호 B0CG1P4QLT
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Furniture
브랜드 Brand: CHESSNIC
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $159.99
상품가격 상세보기

?RELIABLE SUPPORT AND CONVENIENCE - This big and tall office chair has a maximum weight capacity of 400 pounds. Our team of experts has extensively tested the strong and durable gas lift to ensure that they can be relied upon as your trustworthy office companion. Our heavy duty office chair is effortlessly portable, thanks to its 360° universal quiet wheels. You can move this mesh computer chair around without any concerns about damaging your floors or carpets.?SPACE SAVING - The flip-up armrest plus size office chair offers customizable armrests for your comfort. If you prefer not to use the armrests or feel that you don\'t need them temporarily, you can easily lift them up, transforming the wide desk chair into an armless option. This way, you won\'t be bothered by the armrests. When you want to take a break, you can flatten the armrests, allowing your arms to rest naturally on them.?THICKER COMFORTABLE CUSHION - The cushion of this ergonomic mesh desk chair is designed to be thicker and fluffier, providing a more comfortable seating experience compared to regular computer chairs. Breathable mesh structure of the swivel task chair greatly enhances air permeability, preventing a stuffy feeling, particularly during hot seasons or in indoor spaces with limited ventilation.?FIND YOUR COMFORTABLE POSITION - Our ergonomic office chair offers customizable height adjustment to suit your preferences, and the armrests can be adaptable to specific requirements. The backrest is designed with ergonomic lumbar support to reduce any discomfort in the lower back while you are seated. Our wide office chairs for heavy people can be adjusted to find your most comfortable position, ensuring a positive mood throughout your workday.?APPLICABILITY AND PRACTICALITY - The sleek design of this 400lb comfortable large office chair makes it versatile for various settings, whether it be for a professional office, a leisure space, or even for gaming. The modern office chair can seamlessly blend in any environment. This executive rolling office chair for big man is suitable for both cold and hot seasons, making it a reliable companion year-round. A simple yet elegant design and is effortless to assemble.?TRUSTWORTHY PURCHASING - We highly value the shopping experience of each and every customer, therefore we offer comprehensive after-sales service. If you encounter any questions or issues while using our rolling chair, we cordially invite you to contact us at any time. Our dedicated customer service team promises to respond to your concerns within 24 hours, and we\'ll do our utmost to help solve your problems. We are here to provide you with a worry-free shopping experience and address any issues you may encounter. Please rest assured, as our esteemed customer, your satisfaction is our ultimate goal.

2024-07-09 16:00:57

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