해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Unbreakable Cereal Bowls 24 oz -Reusable Wheat Straw Fiber Lightweight Bowls Set - Dishwasher & Microwave Safe - Perfect for Snacks,Cereal, Ice Cream,Soup, Rice Bowls 4 Pack

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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: LRUUIDDE
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $8.99
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?【Eco-Friendly Wheat】Made of natural wheat straw fiber, starch, and food-safe premium PP. Extremely safe and healthy for your family and friends because all our wheat straw plates are Non-Toxic and BPA Free.Our Eco-friendly plates are ideal alternatives to traditional plastic plates. No need to worry about break the plate again. They are perfect plate for naughty kids and careless people.✅【Unique Design & Unbreakable】Designed with space-saving style and light to hold, smooth round edges. Different from ceramic plates that are easy to break, Our unbreakable wheat straw plates are made with light protects the plate when dropped, no worry that it may break once falling.✅【Dishwasher & Microwave Safe】Our premium quality plates are safe for use in the microwave and dishwasher.They are easy to use, clean and store. Note: The temperature resistance reaches up to 248 degrees Fahrenheit (120℃).✅【Multiple Uses】Unbreakable wheat straw plates are deep enough for dessert, snacks, salad, fruit, dinner. Great for parties, picnic, camping, and everyday meals at home, school, office, outdoor or traveling. A good choice for business promotional gifts and Christmas gifts!?【Package】4 x plates (Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange). Size: 9 inch. The best choice of most families! 4 different colors plates! Enough for all your dining needs, colorful plates make life better and happier. It is also the, easy to distinguish, not easy to take the wrong plates! Enough for all your dining needs, colorful plates make life better and happier. It is also the best Christmas gift for relatives, friends and the elderly✉【GUARANTEE】- We aim to make you happy with your purchase. please feel free to contact us, Free return and exchange within 45 days.

2024-07-10 09:11:17

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