해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
4 Piece Wood Chisel Sets Woodworking Tools Set, Wood Chisels for Woodworking with Steel Hammer End, Wood Tools Chisel Set Woodworking with Ergonomic Plastic Handle, 6mm, 12mm, 18mm, 24mm

상품번호 B0CG82NVDX
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상품가격 $9.18
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[Versatile Wood Chisel Set]: This chisel set woodworking kit includes 4 pieces wood chisels in different sizes, including 6mm, 12mm, 18mm, 24mm. Can meet your different woodworking needs. The great choice for carpenter tools, craft supplies and tools, bushcraft tools, wood working tools and accessories![Premium and long lasting]: These hand tools for wood working are made from sturdy carbon steel and high-quality plastic. The handle and the steel chisel are tightly connected, would not fall off after long time use. The carbon steel bevel blades are sharp and long lasting, suitable for working on all soft wood, hard wood and laminated wood.[Comfortable to Use]: The non-slip ergonomic handles on these wood working tools can reduce the hand stain and ensure a comfortable grip and improved control, making them perfect for both beginner and expert craftspeople.[Steel Hammer End]: Our chisels for woodworking feature a steel hammer end on the top of the handle, can protect the handle from being damaged by metal hammers. Suitable for heavy pounding with a metal hammer or a wood mallet.[Blades oiled and Blades Cover]: All the blades of our wood chisels set come slightly oiled to protect against corrosion. There also comes a black plastic edge guard on each chisel to protect the blade tips from being damaged by each other or other tools, and prevent the tips scratching other tools in your toolbox.[Perfect for Woodworking]: Whether you\'re a professional woodworker or a DIY enthusiast, this chizzle set is a must-have addition to your wood tools woodworking collection, allowing you to create accurate and beautiful designs in any type of wood.

2025-01-07 02:51:43

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