해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Edifier X3 Lite True Wireless Earbuds, AI Call Noise Cancellation, Bluetooth 5.3, IP55 Waterproof, Touch Control, 24H Playtime, Built-in Dual Microphones, Comfortable Fit, App Customization, Gray

상품번호 B0CG8L288V
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Exceptional Sound Quality: Equipped with a 6mm driver, immerse yourself in a captivating auditory experience that delivers perfectly balanced highs, mids, and lows, intricate detailing, and authentic, emotionally-rich sound.AI-Powered Noise Reduction for Calls: Our cutting-edge AI noise cancellation technology expertly distinguishes between background noise and human voices, ensuring crystal-clear calls in any setting. Even in noisy surroundings, it accurately transmits your voice, enabling natural and seamless conversations.True Wireless Bluetooth 5.3: Experience lightning-fast connections and rock-solid signals thanks to the Bluetooth 5.3 chip, resulting in superior wireless transmission for an uninterrupted and smooth user experience.IP55 Waterproof: Crafted with a robust and seamless structure, these earbuds are perfect for everyday use. They easily withstand sweat, providing reliable protection in all situations.Comfortable Fit: Every detail has been crafted and refined to ensure a snug fit in your ears. Each earbud weighs only 4g, ensuring that every listening session is a carefree delight.Extended Playback Time: Enjoy up to 6 hours of continuous listening on a single charge and a total of 24 hours of battery life with the charging case. These compact earbuds will be your trusty companions throughout your entire day.Warranty: This product comes with a one-year warranty, guaranteeing the performance and providing you with reliable support.

2024-09-06 12:32:38

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