해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Micca MB42X G2 Passive Bookshelf Speakers for Home Theater Surround Sound, Stereo, and Passive Near Field Monitor, 2-Way (Black, Pair)

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EXPERIENCE GREAT SOUND - Step into an elevated realm of audio enjoyment with the Micca MB42X G2, the upgraded successor to the beloved MB42X bookshelf speakers. Built upon the original\'s success, the MB42X G2 incorporates all-new components and refined design to deliver a rich and immersive listening experience for music, movies, and gaming.PURPOSEFUL DESIGN - The MB42X G2 is a harmonious blend of form and function. Its sleek, compact design seamlessly fits into any environment, from minimalist modern spaces to cozy home theaters, ensuring both auditory and visual satisfaction. But the real magic lies within its components, meticulously selected and woven together to exceed your audio expectations.A CLASSIC REBORN - The heart of the MB42X G2 lies in its updated audio drivers. A reimagined 4-inch carbon fiber woofer takes a commanding presence, delivering an enhanced bass response that\'s both deep and articulate. Complementing this prowess is a revamped 0.75-inch silk dome tweeter, effortlessly producing crystalline highs with clarity and finesse.NEUTRAL HARMONY - The soul of the MB42X G2 is imbued within its crossover. With painstaking attention to detail, the engineers at Micca have achieved a more neutral tonal signature and coherent time alignment, ensuring that every instrument, vocal, and sound effect is reproduced faithfully. Immerse yourself in audio that\'s true to the artist\'s intent.SPECIFICATIONS - Woofer: 4" Carbon Fiber, Rubber Surround; Tweeter: 0.75" Silk Dome; Crossover: 12dB/Octave; Enclosure: Ported; Frequency Response: 55Hz-20kHz; Impedance: 4-8 Ohms; Sensitivity: 86dB 1W/1M; Power Handling: 80 Watts (Each); Dimensions: 9.5" (H) x 5.8" (W) x 6.5" (D)
NOTE: The MB42X G2 is a passive bookshelf speaker and requires an amplifier. It cannot be connected directly to a turntable EXPERIENCE GREAT SOUND Step into an elevated realm of audio enjoyment with the Micca MB42X G2, the upgraded successor to the beloved MB42X bookshelf speakers. Built upon the original\'s success, the MB42X G2 incorporates all-new components and refined design to deliver a rich and immersive listening experience for music, movies, and gaming. PURPOSEFUL DESIGN The MB42X G2 is a harmonious blend of form and function. Its sleek, compact design seamlessly fits into any environment, from minimalist modern spaces to cozy home theaters, ensuring both auditory and visual satisfaction. But the real magic lies within its components, meticulously selected and woven together to exceed your audio expectations. A CLASSIC REBORN The heart of the MB42X G2 lies in its updated audio drivers. A reimagined 4-inch carbon fiber woofer takes a commanding presence, delivering an enhanced bass response that\'s both deep and articulate. Complementing this prowess is a revamped 0.75-inch silk dome tweeter, effortlessly producing crystalline highs with clarity and finesse. NEUTRAL HARMONY The soul of the MB42X G2 is imbued within its crossover. With painstaking attention to detail, the engineers at Micca have achieved a more neutral tonal signature and coherent time alignment, ensuring that every instrument, vocal, and sound effect is reproduced faithfully. Immerse yourself in audio that\'s true to the artist\'s intent. SPECIFICATIONS Woofer: 4" Carbon Fiber, Rubber Surround Tweeter: 0.75" Silk Dome Crossover: 12dB/Octave Enclosure: Ported Frequency Response: 55Hz-20kHz Impedance: 4-8 Ohms Sensitivity: 86dB 1W/1M Power Handling: 80 Watts (Each) Dimensions: 9.5" (H) x 5.8" (W) x 6.5" (D)

2024-09-06 10:46:25

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