해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
The Loyal Subjects Strawberry Shortcake Sweet Scented 5.5-inch Posable Fashion Doll in Exclusive Baking Dress and Berry Bake Playset with Oven, Baking Mixtures and Cooking Accessories

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상품가격 $19.97
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Bake the world a better place! This Strawberry Shortcake 32-piece Berry Bake Shoppe Playset is the perfect addition for playtime. Fans of all ages can flex their baking skills mixing up pies & cakes and baking them up in Strawberry Shortcake\'s wonderful and magical oven!Includes sweet scented, fully poseable Strawberry Shortcake 5.5-inch Fashion Doll dressed in her exclusive baking outfit.Set comes with a play oven, honey pot, strawberry pie & strawberry shortcake recipe card, mini pie & bundt molds, platter, pretend cake mix, icing compound, meringue & strawberry toppings for hours of imaginative play.Adorable play pink oven features 3 open and closing doors that surprise & delight with the baking molds and baking ingredients revealed behind each door.Make your own pretend strawberry pie or shortcake with the mini baking pans, mix & icing compounds and top with berries & meringue.All beautifully packaged in a classic red window-style gift box.Collect all The Loyal Subjects Strawberry Shortcake 14" Rag Dolls, 5.5" Fashion Dolls and the Berry Bake Shoppe! Sold Separately.Mixing compounds are not food. Do not eat.
Strawberry Shortcake Berry Bake Shoppe Playset is the perfect addition for playtime in Strawberry Shortcake\'s kitchen! Set includes a play oven, honey pot, baking molds, platter, moldable compounds to create delicious dishes, a recipe card and a 5.5-inch Strawberry Shortcake Fashion Doll with scented threaded hair wearing her exclusive Berry Bake shoppe outfit! Fans of all ages can flex their baking skills mixing up delicious concoctions and baking them up in Strawberry Shortcake\'s wonderful, and magical oven! The Strawberry Shortcake Berry Bake shoppe Playset encourages imaginative play and provides endless opportunities to create and explore.

2024-05-15 11:34:43

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