해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Baby Toys 6-12 Months 6 in 1 Montessori Set Toys for 1 Year Old Educational Sensory Toys for Toddlers Age 12 to 18 Months Developmental Learning Toy Infant Birthday Gifts for Boys Girls Babies

상품번호 B0CGL6QN4P
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상품가격 $36.99
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6-in-1 Baby Toy Set: Our Montessori Toys set includes 12 soft building blocks, stacking rings, shape sorter cube, suction cup spinner toys, and 2 stacking cups toys, providing your baby with a variety of sensory experiences and play options.100% Safe Toddler Toys: Our baby toys are free of BPA, safe, high-quality teether silicone, odorless, easy to clean, and guaranteed not to tear during energetic play. Safe toys make for great sensory chew toys and stacking toys for 1-3 year-olds. US CPC tested and approved.Early Learning Toy for Babies: This baby toys help babies learn shapes, colors, textures, counting, and developmental concepts such as balance, color recognition, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, stacking and matching abilities, cognitive skills, and problem-solving abilities! Fantastic developmental toys for 6-12-24 months.Building Blocks & Stacking Rings Toys: Each building toys have land animals, marine animal,shape, vegetables, Arabic numerals and geometrical patterns on the sides. The stacking rings set includes five soft rings in various sizes and colors, each engraved with numbers, letters, and adorable textures that your little one can safely chew on. By touching and observing these patterns, baby developed their sense of touch and vision.Perfect Gift for Baby: This 6 in 1 baby toys set contains in a exquisite box, which is very attractive to babies, that would be the perfect gift for your baby as Birthday gift, Easter gift, Christmas gift, Children\'s day gift, New Year gift.

2024-05-15 11:57:29

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