해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tile Leveling System 1/16" Spacers Tile Leveler Clips DIY Tile Leveler Spacers 4000 Pcs and Tools Harden Rubber Mallet Hammer 16 oz for Professional Ceramic Tile and Stone Installation

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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Building Supplies
브랜드 Brand: SODTAK
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인
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상품가격 $88.00
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4000pcs 1/16" tile spacers: Contains 4000 tile leveling clips (not including wedges and pliers).and 16 oz Rubber Mallet - Durable Eco-Friendly Rubber Hammer Tips.Tile spacers is suitable for 1/8" to 1/2" thick tiles, 1/16" grout joints (tile gap> 1/16")High-quality tile leveling system: Tile clips can prevent the tiles from moving during the mortar curing process, and tile spacers can align the tiles horizontally and smoothly before the cement sets.Convenient installation and disassembly: Tile leveler spacers does not require other assembly tools, tile spacers leveling system can be used for floors/walls/stones. Tile spacers and levelers can save money and time for tile installation.Beautiful and efficient: 1/16" tile leveling system can improve the laying efficiency of non-slip bricks/stone/thick bricks/to obtain a perfect non-slip surface finish.Technical support:Tile leveling system clips has passed our strict test, if you have any questions, please contact us, we will provide you with professional technical support in time within 12 hours.
About us: We are a young and progressive team with high requirements for product quality. The material quality of the product has been strictly controlled by the development team, and the product\'s use effect has been repeatedly tested. From the selection of material quality, from transportation to service, we repeatedly track and control, we do our best to deliver the best products to you, you can contact us at any time if you have any questions, our after-sales service is always online! Products include: 4000 ceramic tile leveling system clamps Size: 1/16 inch tile leveling system clamp Product advantages: 1. When laying, prevent the tiles from moving and make the gap between the tiles even. 2. After laying, improve the flatness of the tiles and make them more beautiful! 3. Reduce the difficulty of construction, save the time of installation personnel, novices can practice. 4. Easy to install and remove Tips: 1. In order to ensure the smooth insertion and subsequent disassembly of the tile wedges, do not use too thick cement. 2. In order to prevent the gasket base from breaking, do not use excessive force when installing the tile gasket with tile pliers.

2024-10-02 20:07:57

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