해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
100S JEWELRY 6mm Gunmetal Tungsten Rings for Men & Women: Unique Blue Opal & Whiskey Barrel Inlay - Durable Wedding, Engagement, Promise Band - Available in Sizes 6-13

상품번호 B0CGMNPZ25
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상품가격 $49.99
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Introducing the 100S JEWELRY 6mm Gunmetal Tungsten Ring—where cutting-edge style meets timeless commitment. Designed for both men and women, this exquisite ring seamlessly blends the lustrous sheen of gunmetal tungsten with unique inlays of mystical blue opal and rustic whiskey barrel. Whether you\'re planning a wedding, an engagement, or seeking the perfect promise ring, this piece is a standout choice. Mesmerizing Design The ring captivates with its gunmetal base, brought to life by the entrancing hues of blue opal juxtaposed against the earthy tones of whiskey barrel. The 6mm width ensures a comfortable yet striking presence, making it a distinctive symbol of your love and commitment. Robust & Long-Lasting Made of high-grade tungsten carbide, this ring is designed for longevity. Tungsten is acclaimed for its scratch-resistant properties and durability, making it the perfect material to symbolize enduring love and commitment. Inclusive Sizing We offer this eye-catching ring in a versatile size range of 6-13, ensuring it suits both men and women. This flexibility in sizing makes it an ideal choice for symbolizing any romantic milestone or for wearing as a chic everyday accessory.

2024-09-06 00:53:02

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