해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bidet Toilet Seat Elongated,Unlimited Warm Water,Soft Close Toilet Lid,Electronic Heated,Display Screen,Vortex Wash,Warm Air Dryer,Rear and Front Wash,LED Night Light,Toilet Seat with Bidet

상품번호 B0CGN75FQL
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상품가격 $189.99
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Stay Cozy and Comfortable: Stay comfortable with the XCQQ heated toilet seat. The seat is designed to provide maximum coziness with 4 adjustable levels of heating that range from room temperature up to 102℉. No more sitting on a cold seat, enjoy a soothing experience every time even in cold weather or chilly mornings.Refreshing and Hygienic Cleanse: XCQQ-S8L modern luxury toilet seat provides a refreshing and hygienic cleanse thanks to its unlimited warm water and self-cleaning nozzle. Choose from 4 temperature settings, ranging from room temperature to 102℉, to elevate your bathroom experience with bidet toilet seat warm water. This product is perfect for promoting cleanliness and providing a refreshing feeling.Hands-Free Drying: Bid farewell to wasteful toilet paper with the bidet with dryer. It features an efficient air dryer system, no need for additional drying methods. The adjustable robust air blower, with the flexibility of 4 drying temperature settings, offers a hygienic and hands-free experience. Revel in a refreshing and immaculate feeling each time you use it.LED Night Light: It\'s a disappointing thing to suddenly lose sleep after turning on the light when going to the bathroom at midnight. Our toilet seat bidet is equipped with LED night lights, make it safer and more comfortable to use the bathroom, no longer affecting your second sleep. Adding a touch of luxury and convenience to your bathroom routine, imagine how surprised the guest would be when they saw it.Memory Customized Settings: Bidet seat will memory (need to re-memory it after the power outage) after each adjustment (excluding Automatic & Kid functions) of water pressure & temperature/ drying temperature/ nozzle position/ heated toilet seat temperature level. The soft damper closing design to no more poping loud when you close the lid.Water and Electricity Safety: Our smart bidet toilet seat conforms to the IPX4 waterproof standard, making it impervious to showerheads splashing water. With smart regulation, the system ceases to work when the water temperature, seat temperature, or drying temperature surpass the designated threshold, or when the water source is shut off. Elevate your bathroom experience now with XCQQ!24 Hours Customer Service - If you encounter any issues with installation, operation, size or hardware accessories, please feel free to contact us by email.

2024-05-15 19:34:38

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