해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LEGO NINJAGO Kai’s Elemental Fire Mech Action Figure, Mini Ninja Toy for Kids with Customizable Red Ninja Figure plus Kai and Zane Minifigures, Adventure Set for Boys and Girls Ages 7 and Up, 71808

상품번호 B0CGY44HYD
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상품가격 $23.99
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Kids’ customizable action figure toy – Kai’s Elemental Fire Mech mini ninja toy for boys and girls ages 7 and up combines with 2 other mechs (sold separately) thanks to its detachable legs, arms and torsoBuild your own mech suit – Kids can enjoy hours of creative fun as they mix and match parts from this ninja adventure set with other NINJAGO mechs (sets sold separately) to create their own mech figure4 NINJAGO minifigures – Set comes with Kai, Zane and Jordana, each with a sword element, and a Wolf Mask Warrior so kids can re-enact battles from season 2 of the NINJAGO Dragons Rising TV showPosable red ninja figure – Kai’s mech has posable arms and legs that can be tilted and twisted into battle stances, and a big golden sword for role-play battles against a Wolf figureNinja gift – This battle toy provides a fun build and play experience and is an everyday gift idea for kids who love to play out action packed storiesMore customizable mechs – Kids can swap and combine parts from Kai’s mech with Cole’s Elemental Earth Mech (71806) and Sora’s Elemental Tech Mech (71807), which are sold separatelyA universe of ninja toys – LEGO NINJAGO sets include dragons, vehicles and temples, and let kids escape into a fantasy world of adventures with their ninja heroes
Kids ages 7 and up can recreate stories from season 2 of NINJAGO Dragons Rising with the Kai’s Elemental Fire Mech (71808) mini ninja toy. The mech has posable arms and legs that can be tilted and twisted into dramatic battle stances, a cockpit for the ninja minifigure and a big golden sword accessory for role-play battles against the Wolf Mech. This customizable red ninja figure also lets kids build their own mech! Its detachable legs, arms and torso can be combined with parts from 2 other mechs: Cole’s Elemental Earth Mech (71806) and Sora’s Elemental Tech Mech (71807) (sold separately). Kids can enjoy endless fun as they mix and match parts to create a unique action figure toy. The red mech comes with 4 minifigures – Kai and Zane, both with a katana sword accessory, Jordana with a sword accessory, and a Wolf Mask Warrior – so kids can play out gripping ninja action. The ninja adventure set can also be created with the LEGO Builder app, which guides you and your child on an easy and intuitive building adventure. Contains 322 pieces.

2024-06-03 12:52:41

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