해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Cholemy 72 Packs Pocket Folders with Prongs Heavy Duty Plastic Folder with Business Card Slot with 3 Prong Fasteners for School Office (Cute)

상품번호 B0CH13VXL7
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상품구분 Office Products / Office & School Supplies
브랜드 Brand: Cholemy
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $53.99
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Effortlessly Organized: 72 pocket folders ensure you\'re fully equipped for organized success; Ideal for busy offices, schools, and group settings, these folders can cater to your diverse organizational needsStreamlined Document Management: dual pockets and 3 prong fasteners create efficient document sorting; Whether at school, office, or home, stay on top of your paperwork; Plus, a handy business card slot keeps key contacts at your fingertipsOptimal Document Fit: sized about 11.6 x 9.5 inches, these folders flawlessly accommodate letter sized documents; From school assignments to professional presentations, your important papers can find their homeVersatility in Every Setting: designed for classrooms, offices, and homes, these plastic folders can adapt to various environments; An essential supply for students, teachers, and professionals, which can simplify your document organizationReliable Material of PP: crafted from reliable PP material, these folders provide lasting use; Their distinct color can not only ensure durability but also will add a touch of professionalism, ideal for any setting
Features: Effortless use: Each folder\'s business card slot and 3 prong fasteners enable tailored organization, while the sturdy PP material ensures long lasting use. Elevate Professionalism: The distinctive color and reliable material of these folders enhance your workspace aesthetics and efficiency, making them an ideal choice for seamless document management. Specifications: Material: Color: cute colors Size: about 11.6 x 9.5 inches Package includes: 72 x Dual pocket folders Notes: Manual measurement, please allow slight errors on size. The color may exist a slight difference due to different screen displays.

2024-02-13 16:42:18

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