해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
JaiHo 13.3 Inch Small HDMI Monitor 1920×1080 Resolution 60Hz HD IPS Display Screen, 16:9 Portable Monitor with Built-in Speaker, Security Monitor for Gaming CCTV Security Camera Raspberry Pi PC

상품번호 B0CH3PH4VW
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상품가격 $139.99
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13.3 inch HD Monitor: This small computer monitor, with a resolution of 1920*1080, a screen ratio of 16:9, 60Hz refresh rate, a viewing angle of 178°, an LED screen. Support Vesa Hanging Holes 75x75mm.Precise Color Display: 13.3-inch 1080P monitor\'s large-screen effect, so that the picture quality is more detailed and realistic, richer colors. Bright saturated image and bright color correction.Small Portable HDMI Monitor: This 13.3 inch PC monitor with HDMI VGA BNC ports, IPS panel, lightweight and easy to carry for home, business or travel. It also can be used as a small second screen for PC and other screen.Built-in Speaker: Built-in dual stereo speakers delivers loud and immersive 360° sound with deep and accurate bass. So all of your scenes sound great, high sensitivity, strong anti-jamming. It comes with a remote control to use it can be more convenient.Wide Applications: It is equipped with a VGA/BNC/HDMI/AV input port. Perfect for connecting with CCTV monitor and DVR system. Also works for PC, camera, DVD Box and MP5, Raspberry Pi etc.

2025-01-06 17:03:32

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