해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
FJD Pony 500 Large Power Bank with Solar Panel 140W Type-C, Average 30X Phone Recharges, 504Wh/500W DC Power Station External Battery with XT60, 0dB for Camping Home Use Work Laptop

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상품가격 409.99
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Stunning and Innovative Design —— PONY 500 Power Station boasts a stylish and sleek design, with a slim aluminum alloy uni-body and high-quality leather handles, which makes it a perfect gift option, while still providing powerful and functional capabilities.7 Times Longer Lasting Than Other Laptop Power Banks —— PONY 500 features 140000mAh capacity, while other laptop power station only has 20000mAh, which enables PONY could charge 30 times for a phone(15Wh), or 6 times for laptop(70Wh), or 22 times for drone(20Wh), or 30 times for camera(15Wh), meet a week of daily electronic product power supply.1.7X Higher Battery Energy Density —— The built-in NMC batteries of PONY 500 delivers superior enduarance, lighter weight, and better performance in colder temperatures than LifePO4 batteries. PONY also comes with UPS functionality, ensures uninterrupted power supply even in harsh weather conditions.Sturdy and Durable —— PONY 500 is constructed with high-quality aluminum alloy material, the compact design withstands shock, water, low temperatures, scratches, dust, and provides efficient heat dissipation, ensureing that your device keeps running smoothly.Easy as a Press —— PONY 500 power station just starts with pressing a button, making it convenient for the elderly and children to use.

2024-02-13 13:41:30

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