해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SAMSUNG T9 Portable SSD 4TB, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 External Solid State Drive, Seq. Read Speeds Up to 2,000MB/s for Gaming, Students and Professionals,MU-PG4T0B/AM, Black (pack of 1)

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상품가격 $352.00
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NONSTOP SPEED: Race through projects with our fastest SSD for creators; Load, edit and transfer with sustained read and write speeds of up to 2,000MB/s1; The T9 Portable SSD performs at high speeds even during longer processesDYNAMIC THERMAL GUARD: When you’re elbow-deep in a passion project, the T9 Portable SSD stays cool; Its advanced thermal solution withstands and controls heat to keep the SSD at ideal temperatures—even in heavy use2ADAPTS TO EVERY NEED: Whether you’re using a desktop, camera or a gaming console3, count on the T9 Portable SSD for extensive compatibility; It’s a true team player when it comes to heavy-duty application usage or file-savingSTRONG. SOLID. STABLE: From concept to completion – the T9 Portable SSD gives you the longevity to last through heavy use with one convenient drive that dares to go the distanceWORKS LIKE MAGIC: Your T9 Portable SSD performs like new with the always up-to-date Magician Software; With firmware updates, extra encryption and continual monitoring of your drive health, it works like a charmWORLD’S #1 FLASH MEMORY BRAND: Performance and reliability from the world’s #1 brand for flash memory since 20034; All firmware and components are produced in-house, including our world renowned DRAM and NAND, for quality and you can trustSUPPORTS iPHONE: Supports iPhone 15 Pro Res 4K at 60fps video and more5; Included SSD cable recommended
Add power to all your projects with up to 2,000 MB/s transfer speeds1—stellar performance fast enough to for the tasks that matter most. With up to 4TB capacity, the T9 Portable SSD offers plenty of storage space making it a safe bet for capturing all your creative endeavors. 1Performance may vary depending on host configuration. To reach maximum sequential read/write speeds of up to 2,000 MB/s, respectively, the host device and connection cables must support USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 and the UASP mode must be enabled. Test system configuration: ASUS ROG STRIX Z590-E GAMING WIFI, Intel i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 3696 MHz, 10 Core(s), 20 Logical Processor(s) / DDR4 8GB DRAM frequency1132.3 MHz / Win 11 Pro. 2T9 maintains skin temperatures below 140oF at all times in controlled conditions (i.e. internal quality test for heat management and safety), in compliance with IEC 62368-1 standard. 3Host device compatibility may vary. 4Source: 2003-2022 OMDIA data: NAND suppliers\' revenue market share. 5Included SSD cable recommended.

2025-02-05 14:16:50

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