해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Paper House Productions Harry Potter Set of 4 1" Magnetic Die-Cut Page-Top Bookmarks - Favorite Symbols

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상품가격 $7.99
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As any reader knows, though a regular bookmark happily stays put in a large, dense novel, they often slide out of a well-read book, spiral notebook or journalProblem solved with this set of four magnetic page-top bookmarks featuring officially licensed Harry Potter graphics!Full color bookmarks are constructed of fully laminated paperboard with magnets enclosed within the paperboard making them sturdy, attractive and lightweightThe front of each bookmark measures approximately 1 1/8" high and wide and closes securely over the top of your pages where they stay put without protruding from the top of your bookThe perfect gift for your favorite reader or writer and a must-have for back to school
No one thinks its fun to have to find your place in your notebook, your journal or that exciting novel that you are ready to dive right back into! And while a regular bookmark might do the trick in a large, dense novel, they often don\'t stay put in a well read book, spiral notebook or journal. Problem solved with these officially licensed Harry Potter magnetic page-top bookmarks ! This set of four bookmarks features vibrant and inspiring graphics that will show the world what you love every time you open right to where you left off. Full color bookmarks are constructed of fully laminated paperboard with magnets enclosed within the paperboard making them sturdy, attractive and lightweight . The front of each bookmark measures approximately 1 1/8" high and wide and closes securely over the top of your pages where they stay put without protruding from the top of your book. The perfect gift for your favorite reader or writer and a must-have for back to school, too! With loads of designs to choose from, you are sure to find the perfect look! Welcome to the creative world of Paper House Productions ! With more than 30 years of design experience, Paper House is dedicated to showcasing our unique perspective through evocative and surprising images across cards, magnets, papers and clever gifts. We combine award-winning design and exceptional quality to create products that appeal to people of all ages. At Paper House we think of life as a “verb” capturing the joy, the surprise and the fun of living through images that stand out, emotionally connect and bring on smiles. Thank you for joining us !

2024-07-10 06:48:05

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