해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BOJACK MRBF Terminal Fuse Block 250 AMP Marine Rated Battery Fuse 58V DC Max IP66 Waterproof Fuse Holder 250A

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브랜드 Brand: BOJACK
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상품가격 $16.99
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【Product Name】: Vehicle and Ship Battery Fuse/Fuse Holder; Rated Voltage: Max 58VDC; Current: 250A【Reference data】:Fuses have a Max Voltage Rating: 58V –– Fuse Holder have an Amperage Rating:250A – Fuses Holder Stud Size: M8 (5/16") –– Fuse Holder Mounting Hole: M10 (3/8")【High quality Material】]: The battery terminal fuse kit is mainly made of ceramic, the seat material is PPS UL.94-V0 thermoplastic, the surface of the ring terminal is tin plated, which provides good protection and excellent safety performance.【Wide range of use】: Marine Rated Battery Fuses can be used in a wide range of marine applications, from small boats and yachts to large commercial vessels. They are critical components of the electrical system in these environments【Clever design】:Terminal Fuse Block is designed by compact which provides high current protection in tight space constraints and is suitable for DC mains, inverter leads, New energy vehicles, motorhomes, cranes, cruise ships and bow thruster circuits.
Specifications: Body Material: PPS UL.94-V0, Thermoplastic, Black Fuse rated current:250A Maximum rated voltage: 58V Stud Size: 5/16"(M8) Terminal mounting hole: 3/8"(M10) Protection class: IP66 Stud Material: Stainless Steel Insulation Material: Ceramic Thickness: 2.5mm Fuse Material: Copper Alloy (Nickel Plated),Thickness: 2.5mm,Color: Silver Fuse Housing: PES Plastic, Color: Clear Advantage: √Provides High Current Circuit Protection Compact design is suitable for DC main inverter, hoist, automobile and bow thruster circuit protection, providing high current circuit protection in small spaces; high ignition transient current can provide protection √Waterproof Cap Protection Our battery terminal fuse comes with a Waterproof Cap, which prevents accidental short circuit, it is waterproof and dustproof, and reduces the influence of environment on the performance of the fuse holder. √excellent conductivity The main material of Terminal Mount Fuse Block Kit is thermoplastic PPS, studs and nuts are made of stainless steel for high temperature resistant and good electrical conductivity Package Includes: 1x Dual MRBF terminal fuse box, 1x red insulating cap, 1 washer, 1 lock washer, 1 hex nut and 1x 250AFuses Note: Please select the current amperage you need before purchasing, only one MRBF fuse is included with each product

2024-06-10 14:40:14

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