해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
PocBuds Bluetooth Headphones Wireless Earbuds 80hrs Playtime Wireless Charging Case Digital Display Sports Ear Buds with Earhook Deep Bass IPX7 Waterproof Over-Ear Earphones for TV Phone Laptop Blue

상품번호 B0CHP1WLW4
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80hrs Playtime & Digital Charging Case: Each ear buds offers up to 8 hours of listening time on a single charge, allowing you to enjoy a total of 80 hours of music by taking turns with the charging case. Wireless earbuds feature a dual LED digital display that provides real-time battery status. Easily monitor the remaining power and plan your usage accordingly. Bluetooth headphones support wired charging with a Type-C cable and wireless charging via Qi-certified charging pad (not included)Hi-Fi Sound Quality & HD Voice Technology: Bluetooth earbuds incorporate 13mm double-layer diaphragm drivers, delivering sound with strong bass, clear mids, and bright treble. Experience high-fidelity sound reproduction that brings every note and detail to life, enhancing your music listening experience. The built-in microphones ensure high-quality call performance by isolating your voice from surrounding noise. Enjoy uninterrupted conversations with superior clarity, regardless of your locationOne Button Control & Auto On/Connect: Manage your music, adjust volume, and answer calls effortlessly with the wireless headphones\' one-button control. Enjoy hassle-free control right at your fingertips. Over-ear earbuds automatically power on and connect to your device when taken out of the charging case. Seamlessly pair and start enjoying your favorite content instantly. They are compatible with most Bluetooth-enabled devices, including smartphones, TVs, computers, laptops, and smartwatchesBluetooth 5.3 & Multi Using Mode: Stay connected to your device with confidence, thanks to the advanced Bluetooth 5.3 capability of PocBuds earbuds. Ensures a strong, continuous connection within a range of up to 30ft from the paired device. It greatly improves transmission speed, providing you with a low-latency listening experience. The wireless earphones offer both binaural mode for stereo surround sound and mono mode allowing you to enjoy music with either the left or right earpiece aloneDesign for Sports & IPX7 Sweat-resistant: Bluetooth earphones are the result of years of research aimed at improving people\'s wearing experience based on thousands of ear canal. Designed with flexible and soft ear hooks, earbuds wireless bluetooth fit perfectly in your ears and stay focused on your exercise routine without worrying about falling out. To provide you with customized comfort, 3 multiple sizes of ear tips are available. IPX7 waterproof can keep the beat going even with a little rain

2024-09-05 15:12:10

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