해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HLauto 604N Emergency Dash Strobe Lights w/Controller: 2x16.8 inch Amber White Security Light w/Take Down, 48 LED Safety Flashing Warning Hazard Interior Windshield Light Bar for Truck Vehicle

상품번호 B0CHRSB29T
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상품가격 $34.19
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?【BE BRIGHT. BE SEEN. BE SAFE】: HLauto 2 in 1 windshield strobe lights bar is designed with 48 high-brightness LEDs and upgraded 4D lens, making it brighter than the other 32 LED strobe light bars. Your vehicle and you will be seen from miles away, ensuring your safety and letting other road users know you are there.?【ADVANCED TAKE DOWN】: These emergency flashing lights are upgraded with advanced TAKE DOWN function, which can switch from warning mode to super bright white steady burn on TAKE DOWN mode of the middle modules.?【EASY TO CONTROL WITH CONTROL BOX】: The windshield traffic advisor light bars are equipped with a flexible controller with a display screen, that allows you to control and check the light with ease.?【EASY TO INSTALL】: Adjustable brackets, 10 suction cups and dual 13.12ft long cable make this visor light easy to place on the window, no need to drill holes. It can be easily moved from vehicle to vehicle. These dash strobe lights can be installed on the front windshield or rear window.?【QUICKLY RESPONDER】: Just plug in the 12V or 24V cigarette lighter, and choose the strobe mode you need through the control box. This visor light bar has 20 flashing modes with last memory recall. Great for security, construction safety warnings, police, and law enforcement vehicles, etc..?【FOR YOUR RIGHTS】: HLauto strobe lights for trucks come with a 2-year honor and 24-hour service. Please feel free to contact us through your Order Number or User Manual.

2025-02-05 20:36:24

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