해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Office Chair Mat for Hard Floors, 48"x60" Anti-Slip Waterproof Floor Protector Desk Chair Mat for Rolling Chairs, Heavy Duty Non-Toxic Computer Chair Mat, Easy Glide Floor Mat for Work, Gaming

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상품구분 Office Products / Office Furniture & Lighting
브랜드 Brand: FURKIT
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인
Material Type

상품가격 $49.99
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Easy to Glide & Reduce Leg Fatigue: The frosted side of this office chair mat is up, which makes it much easier to glide your chair effortlessly in any direction. It is also an ergonomic chair mat that reduces the danger of lower body fatigue and repetitive stress injuries.Protect Hard Floors & Multifunction: The chair mat for gaming protects the hard floor from scratch. It can prolong the use of your hardwood floor, saving the cost of having to repair damage. The large desk chair mat has a wide range of uses, it is not only an office chair mat but also can be used as a pet litter mat and a play mat for the floor.No Cracks & Easy to Flatten: The computer chair mat is rolled up along a hard reel rather than folded in half, so there are no creases. The hard reel also protects the mat from bumps or dents on the edges caused by external forces. The hardness of the mat is tested several times, and it is easy to flatten in a short time, minimizing tripping hazards.Heavy-duty & Durable: The hard floor protector for the desk chair is 0.06 inch thick and made of premium PVC material, making it incredibly durable. It is built to last under even the most demanding conditions and protect your hardwood floor from scratches and marks caused by repetitive chair movements.Safe Material: Made from waterproof PVC material with SGS Certification, it is BPA and phthalates-free. The office chair mat for the hard floors is ideal for those who with pets and kids.

2024-05-16 17:20:14

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