해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
King Mattress,12 Inch Hybrid King Size Mattress in a Box,Mattresses with Memory Foam and Pocket Spring,Soft and Comfort White King Mattress,Non-Fiberglass,Medium Firm.

상품번호 B0CHS5L5YX
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상품가격 $287.99
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King Mattress Soft Sweet and Comfort Support: elitespace 12 Inch king size mattress memory foam mixed with multi-layer foam and independent spring support system ensures that your weight is evenly distributed from head to toe and provides targeted support to fully relax muscles and enjoy a good sleep experience.King Mattress Breathable and Healthy: The 12 Inch king mattress which is comfortable breathable and nature, and can discharge the steam and sweat from the contact surface between you and the mattress, so that you can keep your body comfortable and dry during sleep. The mattresses independent pocket spring system can Enhanced air circulation prevents trapped heat for a cool and comfortable sleep.King Mattress High-quality Topper Sponge: elitespace king size spring hybrid mattress is made of high-quality knitted fabric; multi-layer high-quality sponge keeps you away from back pain. All memory foam is CertiPUR-US certified and tested to be free of harmful substances.King Mattress Quiet and Independent Spring: built-in high-quality independent pocket spring and slow rebound sponge, which can effectively absorb the noise and vibration caused by turning over during sleep, don’t disturb your companions, and sleep peacefully. The support system consists of hundreds of independent pockets of Composed of spring coils, it has excellent shock absorption and elasticity, and can effectively adjust the quality of sleep.King Mattress Worry Free and Guaranteed: Please allow 24 - 72 hours for your mattress to return to its full shape after opening the mattress. Meanwhile elitespace mattress comes with 10-year support. If you have any unsatisfactory issues, please feel free to contact us.

2024-09-28 12:00:23

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