해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kidde Auto Fire Extinguisher for Car & Truck, 10-B:C, 4 Lbs., Dry Chemical Extinguisher, Strap Bracket (Included)

상품번호 B0CHSF6T1C
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상품가격 $22.54
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Use to fight basic fires common to your car or truck: flammable liquids and gases (Class B) & electrical equipment (Class C)Tough, metal valve assembly, painted aluminum cylinder, painted steel handles, & easy to pull safety pinEasy to read pressure gauge tells you when the fire extinguisher is charged & ready for use2.9 pounds of sodium bicarbonate fire-fighting agent in the cylinderQuick and powerful: Discharge time of 8-12 seconds, a discharge range of 6-8 feet & operating pressure of 100 PSI
Keep your home and family safe with the Kidde Auto Fire Extinguisher for Car & Truck, 10-B:C, designed to fight basic fires common to your car or truck home involving flammable liquids, and gases (Class B) & electrical equipment (Class C). Manufactured from lightweight aluminum, and weighing 4 lbs.., the Kidde car fire extinguisher is easy to handle and provides a discharge time of 8-12 seconds, a discharge range of 6-8 feet, and an operating pressure of 100 PSI. The cylinder is filled with 2.9 lbs. of sodium bicarbonate fire-fighting agent. The painted steel handle, painted aluminum cylinder, metal valve, and impact-resistant handle make the Kidde auto fire extinguisher tough, reliable, and dependable in the event of a fire. The easy-to-pull safety pin, easy-to-read pressure indicator, and instruction label provide clear steps to operate the fire extinguisher - including a bilingual nameplate. Simply follow the PASS guide: pull the pin, aim at the base of the fire, squeeze the lever and handle, and sweep from side to side. UL-approved strap bracket included. USCG approved with strap bracket. Single-use only. Dispose & replace if used, discharged, or if fire extinguisher is over 12 years old. Residential use only. UL Listed. 6-year limited manufacturer\'s warranty. Note that the dry chemical agent in this BC fire extinguisher is non-toxic but may cause skin irritation.

2025-02-05 20:35:35

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