해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Speck iPhone 15 Plus Case - Built for MagSafe, Drop Protection Grip - for iPhone 15 Plus & iPhone 14 Plus - Soft Touch 6.7 Inch Phone Case - Presidio2 Grip Charcoal Grey/Cool Bronze/White

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DESIGNED TO FIT BOTH IPHONE 15 PLUS & IPHONE 14 PLUS - Built specifically for your 6.7 Inch phone, this precise-fitting case has cut outs to perfectly fit the speakers and charger, plus enhanced ultra-responsive buttons for smoother clicks and volume control. It also features a raised camera ring to keep lenses protected.BUILT FOR MAGSAFE ACCESSORIES WITH SLIM DESIGN - Our specialized iPhone 15 Plus & iPhone 14 Plus case is built for MagSafe with precise magnets for seamless wireless charging. It is also slim and lightweight, making it easy to carry in your pocket and use with one hand.13FT DROP PROTECTION - Created with life in mind, our Speck Presidio2 phone case features Armor Cloud Technology that cushions your phone like an airbag upon impact to absorb shock and resist damage to your device, plus a raised bezel to protect your screen from scratching and shattering if your phone falls face-down.SOFT TOUCH FEEL WITH EXTRA GRIP - Our iPhone cases include product protection to help keep your phone clean. The innovative no-slip inverted grips provide durability and a secure hold for texting and photography, while the unique premium soft-touch finish adds enhanced hand feel and scratch resistance.TRUSTED, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY - Since 2001, Speck Products has created award-winning items ranging from cases for cell phones, tablets and computers, to soft goods that integrate seamlessly into your lifestyle. In parallel with every new phone launch, our cases are designed with style, function, and premium quality in mind.
Presidio2 Grip is a super protective and pocket-friendly case that has a soft-touch finish for ultimate comfort plus newly innovative no-slip inverted grips. With great longevity, durability and a strong grip, this case provides more confidence when texting, talking, or taking photos. Now 20% slimmer, this durable case is designed with precise magnets built specifically for Apple MagSafe accessories. Not only is this case stylish, but Presidio2 Armor Cloud Technology makes it tough for rough moments. We’ve lined the perimeter of every case with air capsules. On impact, they compress and suspend your phone on a cushion of air, just like an airbag. These cases have been tested in the real world to withstand drops of up to 13 feet, so you’ll be confident knowing your phone will be protected. For ease of use you can feel, experience a precise fit tailor-made for your device with the addition of enhanced ultra-responsive buttons for smoother clicks and volume control. If that wasn’t enough, it also features our raised bezel. This added edge helps protect your screen from scratching and shattering if, and/or when your phone falls and lands face-down.

2024-09-06 07:25:43

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