해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hoteche 10-Inch Miter Saw 15A Sliding Compound Single Bevel Chop Saw with Laser Guide and TCT Saw Blade for Wood and Metal Working

상품번호 B0CHVN7P7Q
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상품가격 $299.99
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【Powerful and Efficient Performance】The Hoteche 10-Inch Sliding Mitre Saw is equipped with a 15A motor and a no-load speed of 5000Rpm, ensuring powerful and efficient cutting performance for a variety of woodworking tasks【Precision Cutting with Laser Guide】The built-in laser guide of this mitre saw provides accurate alignment and enhanced cutting precision, allowing you to achieve clean and precise cuts every time【Versatile Cutting Capacity】With a maximum cutting capacity of 315mm x 90mm at 0° x 90° and 215mm x 40mm at 45°X45°, this sliding mitre saw offers versatility to handle a wide range of cutting tasks, making it suitable for both professional and DIY projects【Convenient and User-friendly Design】This Mitre Saw comes with essential accessories including a working clamp, dust bag, wrench, and a TCT saw blade, providing convenience and ease of use. The included carbon brushes ensure long-lasting performance and easy maintenance of the motor【Durable and Reliable】Crafted with high-quality materials, the Hoteche 10-Inch Sliding Mitre Saw is built to last. Its sturdy construction and reliable performance make it a durable tool that can withstand heavy-duty use and deliver consistent results

2025-01-11 22:17:38

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