해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
63” Wooden Dining Bench Solid Natural Edge Wood Dining Bench Indoor Kitchen Table Benches Entryway Benches for Rustic Home Décor Furniture

상품번호 B0CHYGW37B
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상품가격 $249.99
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【Premium Excellent Material】This Wood Slab Bench is made from durable and sturdy elm wood. Elm wood is known for its high density, stability and hardness. It has been naturally dried over the years and polished to a smooth finish, making it an ideal wood for furniture making. Designed with rounded corners and a light log scent, it\'s kid-friendly!【Handmade Live Edge Wooden Bench】This vintage natural wood bench adds a vintage feel to your interior decor and will certainly leave a long-lasting impression either placed into a classic or modern setting. Due to the live edge, each bench will vary slightly in look and depth. This dining room bench can be placed in entrances, bedrooms, patios, dining rooms and balconies.【Crafted with Care & Unique】This is a healthy first choice for you and your family, and more environmentally friendly for the planet. The dining stools will last for decades and become more beautiful over time as the wood ages and develops a unique mark. All products are handmade and may vary slightly in color, shape, glaze, etc., but this is not considered a manufacturing defect!【Assembly Simple & Easy Care】With clear installation instructions and all the necessary tools, you can quickly and correctly assemble our mid-century modern bench in just 15 minutes! To keep your bench looking brand new, dust it frequently. Microfiber cloths work best for trapping dirt, but any soft cloth will work.【Quality After-sales Service】If you have any problems, pls feel free to contact us.We will provide helpful, prompt and friendly customer service for you. Product Dimension: 65.35”(L) x 13(W) x 18.9(H) inches, overall weight is 45lbs. With its multi-purpose and versatile design, this bench can be used in your living room, bedroom, kitchen, or any place where you would like to gather together with friends and family.
Natural Edge Wooden Bench Solid Wood Dining Bench Indoor Kitchen Table Benches Entryway Benches for Rustic Home Décor Furniture

2024-05-15 20:59:46

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