해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Battewa Women Incontinence Underwear Washable, Leakproof Underwear for Women High-Waist Cotton Panties 50ml for Bladder Leakage (Medium,Orange-Beige,2pack)

상품번호 B0CJ41W6YD
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상품가격 $37.90
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CottonFunctional high-waisted underwear:Battewa incontinence underwear features innovative design,quick-drying moisture absorption,odor-control,super-absorbent and leak-proof functions,and effectively prevents leakage.Rapid absorption: Provides 50ml of protection and provides a solution for mild to moderate bladder leakage. The breathable cotton and super absorbent material can lock moisture and odor immediately. The specially designed leak-proof underwear with extra width and length in the crotch area and edges can prevent all leakage.Protecting your skin from irritation: This soft, silent and breathable high-waisted bladder leak underwear provides a lasting dry feeling and provides better protection for your skin.Comfortable and breathable: BATTEWA Panties can be used for postpartum, pregnancy, urinary incontinence or pressure leakage.Machine washable and environmentally friendly: Reduce the use of heavy diapers, disposable pads, sanitary napkins, and urinal cups. Just put on, rinse, wash and reuse Battewa leakproof underwear. Machine wash and dry, do not use bleach and softener.

2024-05-15 12:22:14

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