해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hooku 2 Pack Silicone Teething Toys for Babies 0-6 Months, Teethers for Babies 6-12 Months, Remote Teether for Baby, Sensory Toys for Babies, Baby Chew Toys

상품번호 B0CJ5HJB37
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상품구분 Baby Products / Baby Care
브랜드 Brand: Hooku
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $8.99
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【Scientific Design For Babies】 The Silicone Baby Teether Toys are designed with the appearance of a remote control, which can satisfy the baby\'s curiosity; Toddler Teether Toy have different protruding textures and bumpy massage particles, which can massage the baby’s gums and easy grasp by babies; Baby Teethers colors are bright, which can improve the baby\'s color recognition.【Safe High-Quality Material】Hooku Baby Remote Control Toy is made of Food Grade Silicone, Non-toxic, BPA-free, Durable for biting and chewing. This Baby Chew Toys 3-6 months is Soft, Smooth surface, No burrs. The soft and bendable silicone material can avoid damaging your baby\'s gums.【Meet Babies\' Special Needs】The Infant Teething Toys are suitable for those with oral sensory needs, biting needs, ADHD, autism to promote calm, soothe, and focused. The Montessori Toys for Babies 0-6 Months reduce chewing pencils, hands, clothes, hairs, etc. The Baby Toys 12-18 Months Effective relief of the itching and pain associated with teething. Perfect gift for the newborn, 0 to 6 months and 6 to 12 months infants and toddlers.【Easy to Clean】Hooku Infant Teething toys for babies 6-12 months can be High-Temperature Disinfection, No Deformation, No Fading, More Assured of Biting. The Remote Control Teether for Baby can be used in dishwashers, refrigerators, also freezable. Recommended that you wash it and boil it for sterilization before use.【Perfect Gift For Babies】Hooku Baby Teething Remote Control Toy is a Good Baby Gifts Idea. The Baby Girl Toys and Baby Boy Toys are suitable for all kinds of holiday gifts, including Birthday gifts, Easter gifts, Christmas gifts, New Year gifts etc. Please don\'t miss any chance to surprise your babies!

2024-07-10 07:29:47

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