해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Women's Robe Terry Cloth Kimono Bathrobe Thick 100% Cotton

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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Women
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상품가격 $39.99
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LUXURIOUS TERRY KIMONO WOMEN BATHROBE for women. This is made with very fine high absorbent 100% cotton material cloth robes from Turkey. This womens bath robe is made by a top workshop there and imported directly from the factory by our family business. We ensure excellent quality towel robe with a hotel/sauna bath robe that will feel soft, thick, and wonderfully wick water and moisture. These come in all sizes small, medium, large, and XXL. We offer them in your choice of white, red, light blue, navy, black, green, pink and more. Get the perfect fit and look for you.This would be great gift for women. PRODUCT FEATURES : Thirsty 100% Turkish Cotton Thick high quality fabric Very soft, gets softer with each washing and absorbent Machine washable, tumble try All sizes and 10 favorite colors Great custom fit Made in Turkey to highest standards Exported direct from the factory You get highest quality at lowest price Available in the following sizes : Small (length - 42\'\', sweep - 52\'\', sleeve - 19\'\', cuff - 7.5\'\', armpit - 10\'\') Medium (length - 44\'\', sweep - 54\'\', sleeve - 20\'\', cuff - 7.5\'\', armpit - 10\'\') Large /One size (length - 48\'\', sweep - 59\'\', sleeve - 20\'\', cuff - 8.5\'\', armpit - 11.5\'\') XX-Large (length - 54\'\', sweep - 62\'\', sleeve - 21\'\', cuff - 9\'\', armpit - 12.5\'\') 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ensures this will be your best bet for a pleasing no-risk purchase. Many customers love the feel, warm, and fit of this long robe so much they return to buy another in a different color. HURRY AND BUY NOW while we have a new shipment in stock. This makes a much appreciated gift for friends, family, and co-workers.

2024-07-10 17:18:50

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