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Greenworks 24V Brushless Cordless Compact Cut-Off Tool Kit, 2.0Ah Battery & Fast Charger, With Extra 3 in. Cut-Off Wheels (3-Pack)

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상품가격 $99.99
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HIGHLY EFFICIENT BRUSHLESS MOTOR & 24V BATTERY: Provides up to 20,000 RPM for maximum power, cooler operation at high speeds, enhanced battery runtime and longer service life. 24V Lithium-Ion battery provides 20% more power and 35% more run-time versus 20V competition, and delivers fade-free power with no memory loss after charging.MULTI-MATERIAL CUTTING: Cuts metal, plastic, drywall, vinyl siding, tile, wire shelving, pipe, cement board, and PVCONE-HANDED OPERATION: Compact and lightweight design making it easy to use the cut-off tool with one hand.LIGHTWEIGHT& COMPACT DESIGN-Weigh only ‎1.54 Lbs. , you can control it at ease. Compact 10.7" Length for cutting in tight spaces or overhead.BUILT-IN LED WORKING LIGHT: LED Working Light with 10S Off delay illumination function, light the dark workspace when cutting in forward or reverse.SMART CONTROL SYSTEMS: The combination of battery, motor, control, and charging systems operating in sync to deliver unmatched performance compared to any other gas or battery-powered product.INCLUDES:1pc Cut off saw tool only;3pc Wheels blade;1pc Hex key;1pc 2.0Ah battery ;1pc 2.0A charger
Introducing the Greenworks 24V lithium-ion platform, powering over 125 versatile indoor and outdoor products such as lawn mowers, blowers, string trimmers, chainsaws, and an array of power tools. Experience 20% more power and 35% longer run-time with our 24V lithium-ion battery, which delivers consistent, fade-free performance and no memory loss after charging. Choose from 1.5Ah, 2Ah, 4Ah and 5Ah batteries to suit your needs in various scenarios. Enjoy peace of mind with a 3-year tool and battery warranty, safeguarding your investment. Embrace the power and flexibility of the Greenworks 24V platform for all your projects.

2024-05-15 18:32:07

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