해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tocotrienols 800mg Supplement | Rich in Vitamin E Tocotrienols, Cardiovascular, Antioxidant, Cellular Energy Production - 60 Liquid Capsules

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Enhanced Absorption for Optimal Benefit: Unlike conventional softgels, our liquid capsules offer superior absorption and bioavailability of vital nutrients. The liquid format boosts the intake of fat-soluble essentials such as Tocotrienols and Coenzyme Q10, efficiently delivering them to your body for peak health advantages.Comprehensive Nutritional Synergy: Our formula contains all four isomers of tocotrienols, along with CoQ10, Omega-3 fatty acids, and selenium for a unique combination that provides comprehensive support for heart , immune system function, and cellular health .Powerful High-Potency Blend: Every liquid capsule delivers 800 mg of potent vital nutrients, featuring 600 mg of Tocotrienols (150 mg of each isomer), 100 mg of CoQ10, 200 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids, and 100 mcg of Selenium. This formidable potency guarantees your body receives the essential nourishment to excel.EASY AND CONVENIENT REFILLMENT: Our liquid capsules are specially designed to provide a smooth, easy-to-swallow, comfortable refill experience. With 60 servings per bottle, meeting your daily nutritional needs has never been easier – just take two cap sules once daily with a meal.Definition 100% Pure, Potent Tocotrienol CoQ10 Supplement: We prioritize safe ingredients and synergistic combinations to provide effective, safe nutrition for optimal health. Our formulas are completely natural, non-GMO and contain no artificial ingredients, colors, fragrances or additives. It\'s free from dairy, soy, gluten, wheat, egg and shellfish, ensuring a complete, inclusive choice for your nutritional needs.

2024-04-04 19:57:46

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