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OSALO Scientific Calculator 417 Function 2 Line 10+2 Digits Written Display Solar and Battery Calculators for School College Students Secondary Black (OS 991ES Plus 2nd Edition)

상품번호 B0CJJ15LVC
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【417 Functions】Scientific Calculators contains 417 functions that cover most of the scientific functions that students from middle school to college will need to use in their courses and exams. The included reading guide will help you understand how to use and find these functions.【Written Display Scientific Calculator】Input expressions and arithmetic operations same as written form in the textbook, which is easier to read than traditional calculators. The 2 line display shows both input and calculation results, convenient for students to check the calculation process and results.【Brightness Adjustment Function】The brightness of the solar scientific calculators screen can be adjusted for optimal display with a simple operation, dimming it to relieve eye fatigue and brightening it for clearer results.【Dual Power Source Electronic Calculator】Solar and battery, double safe uninterruptible power, environmental protection and energy saving advantages.【Ultra-light & Portable】Weight: 5.1oz. (145g); Size: 164 x 80 x 17(mm)/6.4 x 3.15 x 0.6 7(inch); Material: ABS plastic. With slide-on hard case, convenient to carry it outside and hold it on one hand.

2024-06-05 17:45:37

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