해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
2000W Immersion Water Heater,Portable Bucket Heater with Digital LCD Thermometer, Stainless Steel Guard Anti-scalding Submersible Water Heater for Pool Bathtub,UL Listed

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상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Pools, Hot Tubs & Supplies
브랜드 Brand: Laboomkey
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $26.28
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【Fast Heating 】: The immersion water heater is rated at 2000W and operates at 110-125V AC. Porous design with good thermal conductivity. It will quickly heat 5 gallons of water with high power in a few minutes(longer in winter).If too much water is heated it takes more time or more than two products are used at the same time.【Safety And Practicality】: This UL-recognized immersion portable hot tub heater is equipped with a 304 stainless steel shield that prevents direct contact between the internal heating element and people or animals, making it safer to use and preventing burns.Heat dissipates to the water faster by flowing through the holes in the guard.our upgrade design ensures optimal performance.It is recommended not to use it continuously for more than three hours and never forget to unplug it.【Widely Used】: This immersion water heater can be used not just for swimming pools, but also for hot tubs, bathtubs, mini inflatable swimming pool, camping shower,farm animals’ water, window washing water and more. It is not suitable for using in big swimming pool.【Easy To Use】]:Take Electric Submersible water heater immerse in water at proper level,Plug into any grounded 120V AC outlet.with a digital LCD thermometer, easy to measure water temperature. Check power indicator light to make sure immersion water heater is working .Please note: people and animal can\'t be in the water while the heater is working.【Satisfaction Guarantee】: If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us for a full refund or replacement. Your satisfaction is our top priority.Please read the instructions and precautions carefully before using the electric immersion water heater.

2024-05-16 17:21:12

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