해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
XXL Aviator Sunglasses For Large Heads (Polarized), Extra Large, Big and Tall, XL + Free Hard Case

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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Men
브랜드 Brand: Olwen
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $39.95
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Tired of buying sunglasses that are too small for your head? Try our oversized aviators! DESIGNED FOR LARGE HEADS: ✔ Large 63mm Lenses - fit larger heads and provide great coverage against the sun ✔ Flexible Arms - Thanks to flexible arms that flex outward, frames sit comfortably regardless of your head size and don\'t squeeze your temples FLEXIBLE ARMS EXTEND OUTWARD TO FIT LARGER HEADS With the upgraded flexible arms and spring-adjustable hinges, the sunglasses sit comfortably, regardless of your head size, and don\'t put unnecessary pressure on your temples. This also ensures that you will worry less about breaking the sunglasses. ENJOY SUPERB VISIBILITY WITH POLARIZED LENSES Polarization will cut down on reflected glare from water, snow, ice, sand, car windows, and even pavement. This will be especially useful for you if you will use sunglasses for sports, driving, or fishing. BE SAFE WITH UV400 PROTECTION UV400 lenses block 99 to 100 percent of UV light, so they will protect you against harmful UV-B and UV-A radiation. Furthermore, the sunglasses reduce visible light, which makes seeing in the sunshine more pleasant. ENJOY HIGH-QUALITY MATERIALS AND DESIGN The frame is made from aluminum-magnesium alloy, which is strong but lightweight at the same time. The spring hinges have a strong but smooth mechanism, which makes them snap open or close firmly but with a soft feel. Worry less about breaking your sunglasses. The spring hinges afford the arms a greater range of movement and do not limit them to the traditional 90-degree angle. Spring hinges provide greater comfort and are more able to withstand everyday use. Due to their snug fit, spring hinge frames are more likely to stay on while running or jogging. The lenses are made from polycarbonate and are up to 10 times more impact-resistant than glass, plastic, TAC, or CR39 lenses.

2024-11-26 09:07:13

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