해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
UNICOO Bamboo Height Adjustable Kids Kitchen Step Stool, Kids Learning Stool, Toddlers Stool, Toddler Standing Tower, Safe Step Stool for 1-5 Years Old Kids - Perfect Kitchen Helper (S033-Grey)

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상품가격 $99.99
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Eco-friendly&Robust: Crafted from 100% pure bamboo, this kids\' step stool surpasses the durability and texture of standard plastic or wooden stools. It further boasts two additional arched support feet to enhance stability and balance, providing your little ones with a safe and dependable learning experience.Fostering Independence: This kitchen helper stool is perfect for nurturing your child\'s self-sufficiency. It allows your kids to learn, participate, and enjoy activities like cooking, baking, hand-washing, and dishwashing in the kitchen or the bathroom.Customizable Height: Our helper tower comes with a unique 3-level adjustable platform, accommodating children of all ages at their ideal height. The adjustable platform ensures that kids from 18 months to 5 years can easily reach the island/counter/sink. Can support up to 150 lbs.Versatile Entertainment: Packed with dual-color activity boards, this helper stool offers your kid a fun personal space. The standing tower sides feature a big star pattern, triggering imagination and creativity. It also has rounded corners for protection against any accidental scratches.User-Friendly Assembly:Designed with your child\'s safety in mind, featuring extra protection at the back to prevent accidental falls. A sturdy safety rail and one easily removable safety bars provide peace of mind. And with anti-slip design for both stepping and standing board, your child won\'t have to worry about slipping off. An assembly tool and detailed instructions are included for easy assembly.

2024-11-30 07:46:14

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